
A space for the arts and design

Digital Art

Michalis Antonopoulos | The Conical People – The Buildings

Michalis Antonopoulos | The Conical People – The Buildings

Conical People are two-dimensional, but they live in three-dimensional space (to be exact axonometric), like Karagiozis. They have been awarded, they have become the cover of Athens Voice, they have collaborated with ION chocolate bar, Lifo, AKTO etc.

Michalis Antonopoulos is a member of the Journalistic Associations EDIPT, FAEP, FIPP. He holds the International Staregister Certification of Professionals in Social Media /Pro Advanced recognized by the IPC (International Personnel Certification Association). Although his main occupation is the education of businessmen and business executives related to Social Media, he created to present his work, to upload his own or third party texts, his comics, etc. He currently teaches entrepreneurs and business executives the creation and management of Facebook Business Page with emphasis on Content Marketing and Statistics. He has been invited as a speaker at conferences in Greece and Cyprus. He also deals with his award-winning comics The Conical People. [Biography updated on: 5/4/2022]

Duration: 29/4/2022 – 4/5/2022