
A space for the arts and design

Book Presentation

Alexandros Massavetas | Asia Minor – The Palimpsest of Memory

Alexandros Massavetas | Asia Minor – The Palimpsest of Memory

The new book by Alexandros Massavetas, editions Pataki, covers the southern coast of Propontida and the Aegean coast. Wandering starts from Bithynia and Mysia (area of Cyzicus and Troy), continues at Aeolis, focusing in Aivali and Pergamon, descends into concrete Smyrni, crosses Ionia and ends in the ruined monasteries of lake Bafa and Latmus the granite mountain with otherworldly landscapes. The book aims to be the first volume of the trilogy which will be extended throughout the seeded with memories Asia Minor.

Alex Massavetas was born and raised in Athens. He read law in Athens and Cambridge, but abandoned a career of a lawyer with much delight in 2003 and moved to Istanbul. The move was the result of a profound spell the space and time of the City had cast on him, a spell still very much in force. After experimenting with various jobs, he has been working as a freelance journalist for Greek and British media since 2003. Based in Istanbul, he now lives as a nomad between that city, London and Athens, not missing a chance to board a plane for a short escape further away. His camera is his travel companion and his notebook. At present, he says he is a traveller; He wants to become a writer when he grows up. [Biography updated on: 20/9/2011]

Tuesday, 22 December 2015 @ 19:30