
A space for the arts and design


Amalia Papadopoulou | The Sea Inside Me

Amalia Papadopoulou | The Sea Inside Me

Amalia Papadopoulou creates collages as a comment on the likelihood that we create in order to leave traces of our presence. Her collages are anthropocentric because that is where she thinks the meaning is. We are the only beings of the known species, that we are conscious of our existence and thus our end, logic, emotion, desire... The art is treated as unquestionable necessity. Art is what creates feelings in our souls as the sea... What awakes and raring to come out, a metaphor, a utopia, that is the mermaid for sailors... Do we live with the anxiety of forgetfulness and fear of the void? Is that why we accumulate and memorabilia in boxes and cases? Art is a window to the inside, a perpetual exploration of the soul, is split into three parts according to Plato, which constitute the essence of man (accounting, spirited, desirable). If a debt of man is the perpetuation of his specie, the other debt is the discovery his own self. The development of personality is not a luxury but an end in itself and this path passes through art!

While my mind is liberated from reality, traversing the 13,676 meters of the country’s coastline, emotions are lost in the colors and fragrances.

Amalia Papadopoulos was born in Athens in 1973. She studied interior design, scenography and costume design while attending visual arts and philology seminars. She has worked in many theaters, especially children scenes, and in the area of showcase. She insists in remaining an art lover and a tireless manual worker. She is dedicated to the collage and its applications, and committed to a pure automation. She lives and works in Athens. [Biography updated on: 14/10/2013]

Duration: 8/11/2013 – 30/11/2013